Mobile Tire Patching

mobile tire puncture repair patching flat tire with nail san diego

Noticed a nail or a screw in your tire, or tire pressure is too low to drive to a tire shop? San Diego Roadside Assistance offers mobile tire repair and patching at your location. At Majority Roadside Assistance we carry variety of options to mobile repair flat tire on-site. With nylon rubber tire plugs and tire sealant repairable tire punctures can be fixed at home or on the road. Mobile tire patching, when it’s possible, is great option for vehicles that does not have a spare tire to change to.

How to know if your tire is getting low? The visual cues are obvious. If you tire is loosing air slowly while driving you may notice low tire pressure warning on the dashboard. Driving with low tire pressure vehicle feels unstable and feels like fishtailing when making turns due to deflated tire stretches and flexes more.

Mobile tire patching is one of the services we offer to save you time and stress. If your car has a spare tire, but missing tools to install it out tech are well prepared to help you change flat tire, inflate it and remove any stuck or stripped, damaged lug nuts.